Listen to Erathoniel ranting on and on in good ol' conservative Christian fashion.
And How To Save It
Published on April 14, 2008 By erathoniel In PC Gaming

Many people say that PC gaming is dying, and I agree with them entirely. From a commercial sense. The independent gaming community for PC is better than ever. The reason that PC gaming is dying is because of system requirements. You do not need to run a FPS at 90 frames per second with bloom, soft shadows, real-time lighting, next-generation physics, and advanced reflection to make it look good. See Tremulous. 700 MHz, low requirements in graphics, and various other nice stats. It looks nicer than Guitar Hero 3 in my opinion, which requires 2.4 GHz (2400 MHz) and fairly expensive graphics cards. You end up with a cartoony, ugly end-result that can be emulated with the same degree of satisfaction on really low-end obsolete machines (124 kb, and not demo scene ultra-compact, either), with the same gameplay. Audiosurf runs way more stuff than Guitar Hero, and runs on a 1.81 GHz GeForce 6150 Go laptop. Seriously, there is no need for the ultra-high requirements, since the real hardcore gaming community will play anything fun, regardless of graphics. I've played games with 3 poly models, and enjoyed them more than Guitar Hero 3 (Xbox 360). There is no need for your 200,000x 200,000 pixel textures or 80,000 poly models. It really doesn't matter. 

Comments (Page 6)
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on Apr 25, 2008
FYI "QFT" stands for "quote for truth". You didn't quote anything.

Actually, it also has another common usage: Quit F***ing Trolling. Pretty much the opposite of what Wyndstar intended, but that's how I read it at first
on Apr 25, 2008
Ironically, the PC developers who get closed down historically were the most highly successful.I mean, sheesh, Black Isle? Who the hell saw THAT coming?
Everybody who followed how badly Interplay was doing. BIS was doing fine, just not fine enough to save Interplay

on Apr 25, 2008
Ironically, the PC developers who get closed down historically were the most highly successful.I mean, sheesh, Black Isle? Who the hell saw THAT coming?Everybody who followed how badly Interplay was doing. BIS was doing fine, just not fine enough to save Interplay

BIS was the only studio making any MONEY for Interplay.

That's like cutting off your nose just to spite your face.
on Apr 25, 2008

BIS made Lionheart, didn't they? That game was awesome.

on Apr 25, 2008
It cost me 2500 now time to spend another 2500.....nah I can get All 3 consoles for half the price and console games for the most part work.

I'm sorry you have no idea how to buy a PC. You can get a top of the line PC for less than $750 which will last you longer than the console and let you play more games with better graphics with free MP (not like Live's subscription charge).
on Apr 25, 2008
I dont think PC gaming is dying but I can still see what you are getting at.(Could go bad for PC gaming if companies like Microsoft through time keep going with baby steps to make gaming a constant subscription based service, dont no about you people but gamings costing me heaps these days and half the time its all hype and Im paying £40 for less than 5 hours play sometimes) I happen to have 5 PCs some of them good and tbh good graphics are over-rated but thats what many want. I have found myself playing really old games of late. Heres the thing I think because of all this graphics technology gameplay is going out the window. MY friend has bought one of the recent rainbow 6 games and while it looks very nice he completed it in 5 hours. That is a total afront for a company to be putting out a game with 5 hours worth of content and charging premium prices. I would like to see less emphasis on the latest and greatest lighting and anti-aliasing and what not and more emphasis on making games that have lots of content and great replay value so your comming back again and again months later to play them. (Has knowone else noticed that generally the price of games has went up and the content is much less? Im sure someone will say thats because of the graphics and technical issues but I want to see gameplay as a number one priority, I dont want to get started on this but when you think of DX10 for instance in some games that boasted it , coders have actually looked at the code and in some cases its been nothing more than a gimmick.)

In short I would rather be on the forums saying ow this game is great because it has challenged me for hours, rather than ow this games lighting looks great but Ive been through asnd seem it all within or less than 1 week and gameplay wise its just the same old concept with better graphics bringing 0 unique to the table.

Suppose thats why I am enjoying sins though, It runs well on many PCs , still has decent graphics and is deep.
on Apr 25, 2008
Economic evidence indicates that the industry is doing nothing but -growing-. We heard this crap the last time Nintendo came out with the SNES, Sony came out with the PS1, and all those other times.
on Apr 25, 2008
This topic comes up alot in my group of friends. Myself and most of my friends all agree that the PC industry is dying. Back in the day, PC's were the best form of gaming over the consoles. Play Doom on the PC or Turbo grafix 16 game, Play Eye of the Beholder on PC or snes game. Today you have the option of buying the console version which you might miss out on alot of the PC mod's but with console online capability, and thier download features, it's a matter of time before consoles see mods (in some cases already exist). Not to mention buy a console play the most updated games for years, buy a PC and your screwed in 18 months. If PC gaming is going to last (in my opinion) it needs to follow console guidelines. Build the games to run GOOD on various machines, don't develop strickly for the high end. Keep games on the PC. The more games get ported to consoles the more damage your causing the PC game industry. Companies like Blizzard, Stardock, Bethesda, ID software ect. ect. Are compaines who keep the blood pumpin for the PC. Not so much for how much they have developed, but the quality they have givin us. PC games have absolutly NO RESALE VALUE! When was the last time you could walk into a game store and trade in your PC games for new ones. I'm a collector yes, but I trade in some of my console games for new ones. If you buy a crappy PC game your stuck with it. Most important POLITICS! Every day it seems a big time developer is swallowing up the small guys. PC was AWESOME for discovering indie games. Now it's EA donination of the game industry and that SCARES ME!!!!!! Anyway, I'm writing this as if this little post is actually going to mean anything to anyone LOL. It feels good to talk about this with new people.

on Apr 25, 2008
I see it a bit differant because the way I see it if you have the money you will always be able to spec a PC higher than a console. There is the case that the console doesnt have lots of other stuff to deal with but Im sure in the future there will be ways to deal with that such as having an alternate login to the windows login where its just a basic system booted up specific for gaming on the PC. I admit though if the way some publisgers are marketting things for the PC doesnt change then things could go bad longterm. I dont think PC gaming will ever die though irrespective of all I have said. PC games still get plenty sales and moneys what its all about. I also dont own any consoles , I just spec my PC and program and mod on the PC . Even if there is modding on consoles a PC still wins on so many levels. Its personal preferance though I realise
on Apr 25, 2008
No edit button , anyway just to add I agree what was said about game stability though and even certain technology on PCs, I think some of the technologies are getting put out before they are fully tested or have stable drivers. With certain brands of nvidia cards , nvidia SLI is a prime example of this. (Have worked with lots of sli PCs even with the correct ampage some variants of the top notch nvidia cards still have numerous problems in sli mode)
on Apr 25, 2008
It's dying? Never been stronger I reckon!

Don't worry about consoles selling more. Of course they will. They require no effort. They are cheaper. Same as mindless Hollywood blockbusters with pretty special effects will always sell more tickets than hip, intelligent, arty movies. Doesn't mean the indy movies are gonna die. there will aways be a number of gamers wanting to play 'hardcore' games and those geeks with the talent and determination to make them.

Oh and since when was Guitar Hero a game? You just push buttons on command like a Pavlovian dog.
on Apr 25, 2008

I know, the point is that Guitar Hero is ultra-simple, but they make it use an insane amount of fireworks.

on Apr 25, 2008
It cost me 2500 now time to spend another 2500.....nah I can get All 3 consoles for half the price and console games for the most part work.

I'm sorry you have no idea how to buy a PC. You can get a top of the line PC for less than $750 which will last you longer than the console and let you play more games with better graphics with free MP (not like Live's subscription charge).

$750 USD for "top of the line"? I call BS, but feel free to prove me wrong with specs and current pricing.

Back to the topic, I don't think we've reached the point where either console or PC gaming can only grow at the expense of the other; it isn't a zero sum game, so to speak.

I expect that as time goes on, most households will have both consoles and PCs. Each has advantages and disadvantages, and some games are better on one than the other.
on Apr 25, 2008
I do both. I have many consoles and a good PC. I own them because I wanna have access to all the good games. Console vs PC whatever. Being a console gamer does not make anyone a better/worse gamer in anyway shape or form. People who own JUST a PC or console often than not express bias coments and opinions. Not that there bad, just not as open minded. Both formats have ups and downs on equal ground. Regardless of format, if a game is released I wanna play I'll get it and adjust what I have to. Alot of you are right, alot of good arguments and statements. In the end though, do any of us really have a clue whats going on? Video games as a whole beat out movies last year in $$. That says something right?
on Apr 25, 2008
I have a console mostly for fighting games, which are the best pure games out there to me.

PC is for my fun stuff- such as GalCiv/EU3/etc.

I think PC will be fine, but that a lot of people are going to lose money on it who deserve to lose money on it. Stardock will be fine.
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