Listen to Erathoniel ranting on and on in good ol' conservative Christian fashion.
My thoughts on global warming.
Published on April 15, 2008 By erathoniel In Current Events

I am a skeptic of Global Warming. I believe that most people are hypocrites on the matter, whatever they say.

I have no good evidence of global warming. I've always endured high temperature where I live, and they're not getting worse. Also, I feel that all the "massive trend" is not really true. There is, in my opinion, nothing in our atmosphere messing us up. What I believe is one of the problems is the amount of air conditioning, as much as anything else. Energy can be converted, but not destroyed. Heat will not conduct into space at a major rate. Basically, air conditioning is putting what would be 90+ degree temperatures in a large area into 72 degrees. It may not be much, but add in skyscrapers, and you've got a large volume of cooled environment. Not to mention more specific cooling devices such as refrigerators. You end up cooling a small area, and the heat goes outwards. Now, it's not much of a change, but I seriously believe that it's one of the only things affecting our environment. So, Al Gore, go sit in your air-conditioned gas-guzzling limo and keep on speaking.

Also, anyone else noticed how few of the exponents of global warming are actually scientists? Or how few of them practice what they preach?

Comments (Page 4)
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on Apr 18, 2008
Spider pig, spider pig...

Curse you! I hated that movie and refuse to laugh (teehee).
on Apr 18, 2008

Because in the Bible, which is God's word (and God doesn't lie) it says that He created the animals, and they reproduced, each according to it's kind. Not each making a new kind. So that's how I come to the conclusion that evolution was not God's tool. How is it being arrogant when we're looking to what God told us?

I think the story of Noah proves that God used evolution. If God created all life each according to it's kind, why would he need Noah to build an ark? Just recreate the animals after the flood. It's because Noah would have starved to death waiting on evolution that's why. 


on Apr 18, 2008
Spider pig, spider pig...Curse you! I hated that movie and refuse to laugh (teehee).

What?! You're kidding me, it was a great movie. Granted the humor in it was a tad juvenile, but still, it makes me feel smarter.

on Apr 18, 2008
You're kidding me, it was a great movie.

Yea, my son loved it too. Just say my sense of humor goes more high brow - like the Three Stooges.
on Apr 18, 2008

I think that Global Warming is a bunch of crap, to tell you the truth.

on Apr 19, 2008
You're kidding me, it was a great movie.Yea, my son loved it too. Just say my sense of humor goes more high brow - like the Three Stooges.

My sense of comedy is wide ranged, anything and everything that can be funny, I usually like. To me it's all about making people laugh, smile, and be happy. It's what I do, sometimes.
on Apr 19, 2008
My sense of comedy is wide ranged, anything and everything that can be funny, I usually like. To me it's all about making people laugh, smile, and be happy. It's what I do, sometimes

You certainly make me laugh.

on Apr 20, 2008
My sense of comedy is wide ranged, anything and everything that can be funny, I usually like. To me it's all about making people laugh, smile, and be happy. It's what I do, sometimesYou certainly make me laugh.

Eh, that's not quite how I hope for people to laugh, but hey, if you're laughing then that's good.
on Apr 20, 2008

I enjoyed an Inconvenient Truth, to tell you the inconvenient truth.

I liked the little cartoons. (Attention Span= .5 seconds)

on Apr 20, 2008
I enjoyed an Inconvenient Truth, to tell you the inconvenient truth.
I liked the little cartoons. (Attention Span= .5 seconds)

Heh, it is a good one indeed.

(I don't even have an attention span really, lol.)
on Apr 20, 2008

You still have more than I do!

Wait, what?

on Apr 20, 2008
You still have more than I do!
Wait, what?

Dude...what?? Who are you?

That's also another thing I lack, a decent memory, and with the combination of the two, well my nickname is Mr. Absent-minded.
on Apr 20, 2008

My memory is fine.

My attention span... what?

on Apr 20, 2008
My memory is fine.
My attention span... what?

on Apr 20, 2008
I can't remember how long my attention span is.
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