Listen to Erathoniel ranting on and on in good ol' conservative Christian fashion.
Yes, it is.
Published on April 20, 2008 By erathoniel In Religion

    I do believe that any form of denial of the existence or omnipotence of God is a form of religion.

    Simply put, when you believe something without having undeniable evidence, it's religion. This applies mainly, but not exclusively to morals and creation. Morality is dictated by what? Religion. Any form of primary belief has some form of moral requirements. Therefore Atheism is technically a religion. Creation also determines whether or not an idea is philosophy or religion. For instance, answer three things for me to prove that Atheism is not a religion.

  1. What did we come from?
  2. Did that start from nothing or does it have a cause?
  3. How can you say you have evidence to justify that?

    Personally, if I don't have 100% evidence of every thing about the Creation, seriously, I'll choose God over unproven science. You can choose your god.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Apr 21, 2008
I saw a picture of a galaxy the other day, and it looked like a cross. Is it a message from God, a hoax, a coincidence...? Who knows? Does it matter? Does the picture change with time? I don't know.

Science should be honest. That is what science is - honestly looking at the facts. The problem is that, sometimes, science takes one effect and extends it beyond what they've seen. Like, they see mutations occuring. They see dogs of different breeds. They see birds that are completely different but have common ancestors. That's micro evolution. But then they extend that to go from a single-celled organism up to a human being.
on Apr 21, 2008



I don't know how much you really do because of your faith. I don't really know how strong your faith is. But it seems to like you treat your faith as a last resort, something to grasp when you don't understand the world.

Education is the key, not faith. Understanding science will help you understand what science is and what science isn't, opening the gates to knowing what you need faith for and where you can rely on facts.

I can answer your three questions, although I am not an atheist.


  1. What did we come from?

I don't know.

  1. Did that start from nothing or does it have a cause?

I don't know.

  1. How can you say you have evidence to justify that?

I don't have any evidence.


But let me ask you three questions.

1. What did G-d come from?

2. Did G-d start from nothing or does He have a cause?

3. How can you say you have evidence to justify that?


Using your method of finding the way between science and faith, you will simply end up with the same questions without answers one level removed.

Instead of trying to find out about life, you will resign to believing that G-d cannot be understood. How is that useful? What kind of appreciation of creation is that?


Where did the Big Bang come from? Science doesn't know. Once a scientist makes up a story to explain such a thing without evidence, the scientist stops being a scientist and becomes a priest or prophet. Maybe G-d told him the truth? How would we know?


on Apr 21, 2008
But then they extend that to go from a single-celled organism up to a human being.

Compare yeast, a single celled organism, to a human cell...they're both eukaryotes. You'll notice that they're suprisingly similar.

Also, you see some unicellular organisms working together to increase their chances of survival. They form a community and can link together into mats and the like. Some cells become specialized carrying out specific actions- motility, storage, digestion...stuff like that. It's not a stretch to say that eventually some cells become so specialized it turns into an organ. If a bunch of different organs get together, you start having bodies...and the sum of the parts makes up a new being.

If you take cell samples from the human body, you can grow them in culture. The only reason they can't exist by themselves is that they've become dependent on the community of the human body for its nutritional intake. Supplement an appropriate agar and you can grow several tissue cultures in a dish. It's best to view your body as the sum of trillions of little organisms all working together.

on Apr 21, 2008

 Faith can answer any of my questions. I can prove my faith better than anyone can prove anything else.

Highlander, all you said is regurgitated crap. Sorry, it had to be said. Way to shirk the question.

on Apr 21, 2008
What did we come from? Most likely, from space as the anceint earth (billions of years old, not thousands) was pelted by meteors and other space debris.

Where did the life in space come from?
on Apr 21, 2008
Where did the life in space come from?

This is sort of like an extraterrestrial view. More ways than science or religion to explain the universe, Jyth. But as you've hit's kind of a circular argument.

on Apr 21, 2008

I can prove my faith better than anyone can prove anything else.


No one has any doubts about your faith - you make that clear with every unfounded argument you make.  You'd HAVE to have the most outstanding faith to believe the things you believe. 


Well awesome.  You're bound to get good seats at the Apocaplyse while us heathens get chucked one by one into the eternal fire.  Make sure to bring your camera and some popcorn!  Wouldn't want to miss anything!  Make sure you cheer loudly when I go into my triple gainer.  I'm going with a vengeance!  If I'm going to hell, I'm going with 10s across the board, my friend.


If for some whacky reason God prefers me over you (which I actually have faith that if he exists at all, he totally does), I'll put in a good word for you.  Now I wonder...with your indefatigable faith...what will you do if the situation is reversed?



on Apr 21, 2008
Ah, but life was not created all at once, it took six days.
Within six days even I can list off all the stuff needed for life and the universe.
And God is better than me.

Ah, but what is a day to your God?
on Apr 21, 2008

I never said that it was a 24 hour period. He can live wherever he wants, I won't stop him.

He is omnipresent, though, which would lead me to believe it's either a human day or an astronomically huge amount of time.

Plus, even if I am wrong and we have no purpose and there is no afterlife, I can't lose. And if I just chose wrong, I am happy with that, for I chose what I could prove, and I have no regrets.

on Apr 21, 2008
Within six days even I can list off all the stuff needed for life and the universe. honestly can't. Even I can't do it and I'm studying it all.

on Apr 21, 2008

I can with the magic of... Wikipedia!

on Apr 21, 2008

No one has any doubts about your faith - you make that clear with every unfounded argument you make. You'd HAVE to have the most outstanding faith to believe the things you believe.

Thank you Ockham.

Any other comments on my faith? I do try to impress people.

on Apr 22, 2008

Any other comments on my faith?

Religion is a smart man’s admission that he cannot know everything. Religious fundamentalism is a stupid man’s admission that he thinks he knows enough.

-- Moshe Wilkinson

on Apr 22, 2008
Moshe Wilkinson

I absolutely love that quote.

on Apr 22, 2008

So you basically just proved my point in This Article

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