Listen to Erathoniel ranting on and on in good ol' conservative Christian fashion.
Published on July 12, 2008 By erathoniel In Current Events

     Go to a public high school and you will find curiculum made to teach "tolerance". In reality, what I find most taught "tolerance" to be is a pile of drudged up drek made to desensitize or demonize those long-standing establishments of moral standards. Tolerance cannot be taught. Children will not learn tolerance by these means, merely the intolerance of conscience.

     My question is this: Why is it so wrong to have a conscience? I believe that homosexuals are wrong. I do not hate homosexuals no more than I hate those who I'd disagree with on matters of politics or science. I believe that God exists. I do not hate those who say that God does not exist, I merely disagree with them. This comes with no "tolerance" training that I accepted, other than what I heard at church. Is it so much that we secularize the nation, but also blame the preachers of tolerance as the distributors of slander? I have never heard a pastor preach any form of anger or intolerance (other than, of course, the righteous anger towards those who attack innocents or undermine the church), so why should children be tought "tolerance"? Children are perfect innocence, and intolerance is only instilled on them by outside factors. Therefore, should we not eliminate the creators of intolerance before breaking down logic and reason via "tolerance" training?

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on Jul 17, 2008

Sorry I'll try again, perhaps my question was a little complicated.

Where in the quote '"Submit yourself to every ordinance of man" is the word just?

on Jul 17, 2008

Where in the quote '"Submit yourself to every ordinance of man" is the word just?

You do not have to disobey any law just because it is not just. However, if the laws of man go against the Law of God, then the Law of God takes precedence.

on Jul 17, 2008

But the law of god is to obay any and all laws.  Going against the 'ordinance of man' is itself going against the law of god.

on Jul 17, 2008

And only the laws of God are worth following, only His name is worthy of praise.

There are 613 laws of God according to the Torah.  Do you follow each one? I doubt it. I, for one, do not and would not wish to live in a society governed by biblical law.  Neither would you, I'm sure.  We do not live in a theoracy, thank God, but we do have civil law for a civil society.

on Jul 17, 2008
Doesn't the bible say "Submit yourself to every ordinance of man"? Meaning you should obey the law.

Yes the Bible says such, meaning we are to obey all of man's just laws becasue they serve the greater good of society of which we are a part.

Where in the quote '"Submit yourself to every ordinance of man" is the word just?

OK, this is more clear.

This, btw, is not even an exact biblical quote but it's close enough for this discussion. The answer to your question is no, the biblical quote doesn't contain the actual word "just". Re-read my reply and you'll see that I'm describing the meaning of the passage.

Btw, the entire passage of Romans 13 is 7 verses. Does anyone want me to quote it?

on Jul 17, 2008
Green. What does eye color have to do with anything?

They're brown right now, 'cuz you're full of crap.

Or, I think that's what was trying to be said to you. I don't necessarily agree with anything except that it's a really good way to say that without saying it, and I thought I'd come ruin it by saying it.
on Jul 17, 2008

But the law of God is to obay any and all laws. Going against the 'ordinance of man' is itself going against the law of God.

On the contrary. The Law of God is the Law of God. The Law of God tells us to obey the laws of man, except where the laws of man violate the Law of God.

on Jul 17, 2008

It is actually Peter 2:13 '"Submit yourself to every ordinance of man...'


'Submit yourselves for the Lord's sake to every authority instituted among men:'

And you quote different parts of the bible none of which appear to conflict with these versions of the same thing which say nothing about just laws, in fact they quite clearly state 'every' law must be followed.



on Jul 17, 2008
We do not live in a theoracy, thank God, but we do have civil law for a civil society.

Thank you So Daiho.

Romans 13 is God's admonition on proper behavior and the attitude we must take towards civil authorities.

It doesn't necessarily mean a recoginition of every form of civil authority completely without regard to the details of its constitution. The main point is that we are to recognize the existing authorities as given by Almighty God.

It's a Christian's proper starting point knowing that God being the Author of the social order created man as needing to live and develop within a community. Among the things owed to authority are: honor, respect, reverential fear, and the payment of taxes to contribute to the services which allow citizens to live in peace and security which protect them from violence and civil disorder, and which guarantee them a more civilized lifestyle. By acting this way, Christians are keeping our Lord's commandment "to render to Caesar the things which are Caesar's, and to God the things that are Gods."

I, for one, do not and would not wish to live in a society governed by biblical law.

Ha, history has shown the ancient Israelites sure had a hard time doing so!

on Jul 17, 2008

There is no qualifier to that passage that I can find.  Please tell if there is one.   It doesn't not say 'apart from the following', it says all.

on Jul 17, 2008
And you quote different parts of the bible none of which appear to conflict with these versions of the same thing which say nothing about just laws, in fact they quite clearly state 'every' law must be followed. apply that to Proverbs:

Proverbs 8:15, "By Me, kings reign, and lawgivers decree just things."

and that to Romans 13:3:

"For rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad"

Let's cut to the chase....How does the legalization of abortion square with this?

on Jul 17, 2008

The problem is that man no longer listens to God's Law. Instead of interpreting God's Law, we have had to write our own, and interpret it. Therefore, we now have many laws contradictory to the Law of God.

on Jul 17, 2008

If the king makes an unjust law then he is going against god's law but it is still god's word that people obay it.

on Jul 17, 2008

If the king makes an unjust law then he is going against God's law but it is still God's word that people obey it.

Assuming that it does not violate God's Law, yes. If the king were to make a law that required contradiction of God's Law, then it is the people's responsibility to disobey it, though not to rebel or riot, merely disobey. See the story of Daniel.

on Jul 17, 2008

Sorry, you still haven't explained to me where in the passage from Paul there is that option.  There is nothing in there about 'Assuming that it does not violate God's Law'.

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