Listen to Erathoniel ranting on and on in good ol' conservative Christian fashion.
Published on August 5, 2008 By erathoniel In Democrat

The Obama Facade is Obama's political opinions. He is the most liberal senator, he has the least experience possible to get far, he has never made an important decision, and, more importantly, he tries to hide his position. He abstains from voting to try to win opinions. He avoids controversy, though he still has more than he can handle. He insists that people "respect" him and his wife, while, to tell you the truth, he can't even take simple name-calling that's been in every political race since heaven-knows-when. So, I ask you, what are the reasons to vote for Obama?

Comments (Page 2)
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on Aug 07, 2008

Ah, yes, but there's a difference between opening with rock bands and meeting with leaders.

on Aug 08, 2008
hmmm maybe it would be nice to have a president that is liked and respected in the world again....maybe we can get something done in diplomacy...just a thought

Leaders and people around the world "respected" Prs. Clinton, but what did it cost us? When did that "respect" translate to anything real? It didn't help keep Hussein from being rewared for breaking the ceasefire agreement. It didn't prevent Clinton from selling secrets and lifting bans on the sell of sensitive weapon systems and technology to China. It didn't prevent genocide in areas prone to it.

What did we gain from having a president that the world "respected"?

On the other hand, the leaders of Germany and France who fomented so much hatred towards the US because of their feelings towards Prs. Bush were voted OUT by their citizens... both in favor of the candidate who openly respected Prs. Bush and the US.

Prs. Clinton thought he was being respected by the world, but he mistook friendly words for respect. They liked him, they listened to him, but in the end, it was Prs. Clinton giving in to them that generated the good will.
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