McCain's speech has proven a couple of things. Number one, he is not a great speaker. Number two, his prescription to solve America's ills are to do more of the same.
McCain, who votes with Bush 90 percent of the time, thinks the solution to our problems is to give the rich more money, keep spending the country's blood and treasure in Iraq, and hope everything turns out okay. That's the definition of insane.
McCain calls for lower taxes. Taxes were higher in the 90s and that seemed to work okay. If Bill Gates prefers Obama you have to wonder the wisdom of Republican economic policies.
McCain's experience in Vietnam proves he is made of stern stuff. But no offense but that was nearly 40 years ago. What has he done since?
The only things McCain is really known for since he decided to make "his country his life" was have an affair on the wife that waited for him to be released in order to marry a rich younger woman, accept money from special interest groups, The keating-5 scandal, and the passage of legislation that made possible the 501c political entities that Republicans claim to hate. I know why Democrats don't like him. But why on earth would a Republican want to claim this man? Even on immigration McCain supports policies Republicans don't like.
John McCain is like the worst of both worlds. He's an economic disaster with misguided foreign policy judgment. After 8 years of cowboy diplomacy, record deficits, and mounting economic stress, wehave had enough. It is time for change.
So, let me get this straight, you're going to say that speaking skill is needed for a president? So we should elect Obama because he can rally people, to do no action? On the idealogical food chain, that's an invitation to a feast. Second, couldn't America's ills be solved by more of the same? Things seem to be on the way towards being better.
McCain may vote with Bush 90 percent of the time, but at least he's a maverick who won't stop simply to "not impress my ideals on anyone else", like Obama will. Face it, McCain may be the McSame, but even if it is, Obama couldn't have a spine if he bought it off the black market. We're on the course to a better life at this point, regardless if you like it or not, you don't have to be so pessimistic. There's no need to call other people insane because they disagree with you.
McCain called for fair taxes, not merely lower taxes. Obama's tax plan is giving taxes to the rich, who will in turn give it to everyone else. Have you learned nothing from our southern neighbor? How's their social ladder today?
McCain is a much better man than you, but Obama's probably your equal. He's made of stern, patriotic, stuff, and he's plenty strong still. His reputation of being a maverick is political, mind you.
"During this period in Florida, McCain had extramarital affairs, and the McCains' marriage began to falter, for which he later would accept blame." Yes, McCain had affairs, but has that really been so different from previous Democrats? Clinton? Kennedy? They've had affairs. McCain is not different, but he accepted responsibility. I don't recall him getting money from special interest groups. I live in Arizona, I would've heard it. He's adopted a child from overseas. Keating-Five was legal, if it showed poor judgement, but that's not too big.
McCain's not that bad. He's got a working economic plan (compared to ObamaVaporPlan(TM)), and he's got a perfectly good sense of foreign policy, unlike "Disarm as a gesture of good will" Obama who wouldn't give a flying flip about the other people with nukes disarming if he'd gained popularity. After 8 years of cowboy diplomacy, why elect the pacifist? Record deficits won't be solved by Obama, they'd take time. The mounting economic stress is slowly decreasing. Heck, I worry more about my nocturnal leg cramps than the economy. Let's change our path and vote for McCain/McSame.