Listen to Erathoniel ranting on and on in good ol' conservative Christian fashion.
My Firefox is Acting Up Again, But This Is Important Above All
Published on April 19, 2008 By erathoniel In Religion

    God gave his only son that all who believed in Him might be saved, for God did not send his only son into the world to condemn it, but to save it, that all may have salvation. (Paraphrased John 3:16-17)

    Salvation is God's free gift to all who accept Jesus Christ, but only those who accept Him and His Son are allowed into Heaven. It's not hard, people. God gave us Jesus, who lived a perfect and blameless life to be the blood sacrifice that washed away all of our sins. That way we can be saved and live in Heaven with Him in fellowship for eternity.

on Apr 20, 2008

What can be my salvation from 9 of your articles in a row?

on Apr 20, 2008
What can be my salvation from 9 of your articles in a row?

There is no salvation from tripe like that.
on Apr 20, 2008

I'm not making you read it.

on Apr 20, 2008
No, you're just burying all the coherent articles from all the competent writers under a pile of useless junk.

Don't think your behavior has no effect.
on Apr 20, 2008

Get your articles hyped more. Or, better yet, don't read or comment on anything I write. That way I don't write anything because nobody reads it, but plenty of people read this.