John McCain would make the best president for three reasons. He will get respect from foreign nations, he has all the necessary experience, and he will lead the nation through the turbulent times we face. First, John McCain would make the best president because he will get respect from foreign nations. Our opponents are known to have racist and sexist members, and therefore having a female or African American president, while an important civil rights g...
McCain's speech has proven a couple of things. Number one, he is not a great speaker. Number two, his prescription to solve America's ills are to do more of the same. McCain, who votes with Bush 90 percent of the time, thinks the solution to our problems is to give the rich more money, keep spending the country's blood and treasure in Iraq, and hope everything turns out okay. That's the definition of insane. McCain calls for lower taxes. Taxes were higher in the 90s and that seemed to wo...
Now, I'll admit that as a party, Republicans are a mite too quick to fight. In fact, if you look back, McCain's kinda been attacking Obama first (or at least his ads have been on my TV first). However, when you look at it, would you rather have a pacifist, or a Repugilist? I mean, the Republicans may fight too much, but do the Democrats fight enough? Do they actually push for what they want (outside of the bedroom?), or do they just stamp "yea", "nay", or "present", and go back to sleep. Republi...