Enemy Territory: Quake Wars is the second game in the Enemy Territory series. It takes place in a near-future Earth following an invasion by the half-man half-machine Strogg. The premise of the game is primarily an objective-based siege style game, where a defending team fights an attacking team. The gameplay is solid and proven, with balanced but different teams. For instance, the Strogg Technician gives both health and ammo to his teammates, while the Human Medic and Covert Ops take the sam...
Ok. I've been playing Tremulous online a couple days now (I like the PureTremulous server), and I decided to write a review of it. All categories are to a maximum of 5. Action: @@@@@ Tremulous excells as an action FPS, even if the strategy slows it down a tad. Strategy: @@@@@ Tremulous takes the traditional weapon/kit loadout and adds building buildings. Way cool. Community: @@@@ Tremulous has a good community, and is easy for newbies. Occasional swearing, but not muc...