Joe Arpaio is not the kind of man who shirks controversy. He's "America's Toughest Sheriff", in his own words. Now, I don't have the exact place where they attack Joe Arpaio, but I find that denying abortions to prisoners should be common practice, not a rights violation. Here's the thing: You forfeit your rights when you commit a crime. You don't deserve to keep all of them, you gave them up. Not only is abortion amoral, but it is also an expense to the government. If you can pay for it,...
110TH CONGRESS 2D SESSION S. 3315 To prohibit the distribution or sale of video games that do not have agebased content rating labels, to prohibit the sale or rental of video games with adult content ratings to minors, and for ...
Several places have abolished the death penalty. However, I find that the death penalty is perfectly acceptable, given 100% assurance. I believe very strongly in the Law of the Old Testament, and does it not say "an eye for an eye"? If one takes another's life, should not their life be taken? Also, all "life" sentences should be changed to death sentences, except for the most heinous cases, in which case, solitary life confinement is a suitable punishment. However,...
Our schools are failing. There is no question on that. However, a good question is: Why are our schools failing? To tell you the truth, our schools are failing because they have ceased to become academic establishments. Instead, they're the great American melting-pot. Personal Thought: Melting down our youth and turning them into nothing. However, are schools meant to be a source of idealogy or a source of knowledge. See, children can only t...
I've revieved complaints from people saying that I'm "projecting" or "impressing" my views on them. I know how to project things. You put them in your hand, close your fingers, pull your hand back, open your fingers, and push your hand forward. In some places, it is called "throwing". I know how to impress things. Either you make their jaws drop, or you take a stick or similar object and shove it into a softer, plia...
Go to a public high school and you will find curiculum made to teach "tolerance". In reality, what I find most taught "tolerance" to be is a pile of drudged up drek made to desensitize or demonize those long-standing establishments of moral standards. Tolerance cannot be taught. Children will not learn tolerance by these means, merely the intolerance of conscience. My question is this: Why is it so wrong to have a conscience? I believe that ho...
Happy Memorial Day to all. However, it is important to rember that in addition to celebration, there should also be mourning for the soldiers lost at war for our freedom. Therefore, we should all try to write to a soldier today, to tell them that we are thinking about them and the friends they have lost.
The Quran condemns the "munafig", those who claim to be believers and peacemakers and are not. Do all the radical extremists realize that by your actions, you give all of your religion a bad name? Now, I'll admit I'm not Islamic, I'm a white-as-bleach Christian, but bear with me here. When one complains that they are victim to persecution, if they retaliate with bloodshed and killings, will it help anything? The simple answer is no. ...
Yep, another "On" article. I like that classification. I should post an archive of them sometime. Anyways, to the topic. Gun control. Gun control is a pesky issue. What level is needed? I believe that psychological reviews, as well as criminal record checks should be necessary for gun purchases. However, I believe that there should be a minimal amount of control on the weapons themselves. Outlawing all weapons leads to only criminals...
Now, this article will be terribly pessimistic, but it's from a secular standpoint more than a religions one. We are reaching Earth's carrying capacity, our limited resources of water and nutrients are being taken too greatly, and we will soon perish. The way to prevent this is a dramatic conservation plan, involving fewer man-made amenities, and desalination plants, and a variety of other processes. And that's only a short-term solution. We also are runn...
Abortion is one of the greatest scourges ever. The idea that killing an innocent, potentially (if not definitely) sentient life form on the excuse of convenience is always wrong. What abortion allows is casual sex, prostitution, and other immoral acts with the only repercussion being... what exactly? Intense psychological damage, not to mention potential physical damage (still unclear). Therefore, even in any case, abortion is wrong. ...
Why does everyone need a day to victimize themselves for their own choices? It seems like if you don't believe there's anything wrong with what you're doing, you don't need a day to mourn your victimization. Get over yourselves. You choose something, you can live with it. I support non-harassment, sure, but I do not believe that it is anyone's right to declare themselves special for their victimization. When I am persecuted for the n...
Now, there's been some uproar in the conservative society on what to do over the Day of Silence. Here is what I say. Send your kids to school. Let 'em talk all they want. That way, we will not be silenced. Arguably, you can make your own "speaking card" for the event. Please understand my reasons for not speaking today. I am participatingin the Day of Silence, protesting the silencefaced by those who believe in Chri...
Now, granted, the Holocaust affected more than just the Jewish, but the table above points out the amount of total deaths being almost 6 million. Include other "purged" groups, and the toll raises to well above six milion. The main reasons one would deny the Holocaust is if one cannot believe the extent or human cruelty, or is a Nazi symphasizer. There are other, small reasons, but all are insignifigant. People cannot believe the extent of huma...
I am a skeptic of Global Warming. I believe that most people are hypocrites on the matter, whatever they say. I have no good evidence of global warming. I've always endured high temperature where I live, and they're not getting worse. Also, I feel that all the "massive trend" is not really true. There is, in my opinion, nothing in our atmosphere messing us up. What I believe is one of the problems is the amount of air conditioning, as much as anything else. Energy can be converted, but ...