Short Story- Shadowrun: Desecration It all started two months ago. I'd met a mage by the name of ArkadiLev. He seemed like a nice enough guy, for a runner, that is. Maybe inhis thirties, clean shaven, short black hair worn in a simple,attention-defering style, thin, pale. The perfect counterpart to me, aneight-foot-two troll street samurai. I get the attention, he takesadvantage of not having it. Or so I thought. I've learned my lesson a...
Is it just my Firefox being borked, or is JU leaving out part of the url on my articles/dashboard link. For example: http://www.erathoniel./article/308240/Why_PC_Gaming_is_Dying Should be: It does this from the homepage and dashboard, and all the My Account, My Dashboard, My Blog, and New Article buttons are borked as well. Anyone else having similar glitches?
Is it "Satanic hate"? Some people have called my attacks on the false Church of Jesus Christof Latter Day Saints to come from "Satanic hate". Well, here's what Ihave to say to it. Now, if a person goes out into the woods, makes ahoax, brings it back, and then claims it as a religion, is it areligion of truth, or one of Satan? Therefore, I belive Joseph Smith tobe a liar and a deciever of all men. When I hate the LDS church, I hateno individual, I hate the li...
Why Do You Call it Hate? I've had people complain that I'm a "troll" or too hard on them. Youknow what I say? If you cannot justify your beliefs, must you classifymine as hate? Quite frankly, I'm only capable of hating those who'vewronged me. As far as I know, no major group has hurt me as a generalrule, so therefore I hate no group. Plus, I usually only hold grudgesso long as they can keep on burning. I'm not gonna continue hauntingone issue for eight years...
Movie Review- Iron Man Iron Man is one of the best movies of 2008. It's got action, a decentplot, and a timeless tale of redemption. It starts out with thedecadent Tony Stark, a rich son of a weapons tycoon being hit by anambush. Once he realizes that the people ambushing him have his ownweapons, he turns from a decadent leisure-boy into a one-man army. It'sbasically an explosion-filled action flick with a moral lesson behindit. Five @'s, for pulling too muc...
Movie Review- Prince Caspian Yes, I get out of my house occasionally. For instance, yesterday I wentto see Prince Caspian. Two words: Epic Awesome. Seriously, I may enjoythe battle scenes too much, but they're good. However, thebook-accuracy is questionable, it's more of a theological work than CSLewis' work. Yes, a Disney movie has more theological depth than thework it's based on. I may be putting Lewis' work in the same air asTolkein here, and I'd need to...
War War is the closest thing to Hell mankind can imagine. So therefore Iwrite a poem on the wonderful perpetual motion machine we've madeourselves into. War ruins life it causes strife But all we can do is cause more it never changes, for it is war but can we change it without making ourselves be hit It seems like we have the ablity to change but we always seem to flange And become the doppleganger and the final destroyer destroy more and mor...
Lex Romanorum Introduction Lex Romanorum is a series of stories I will be writing in pseudo-Latin(It means "Law of the Romans"). It will be set in ~40 BC Rome,following a messenger in the Roman Army. It's a pseudo-historicalfiction. It'll be written realistically, but will throw out someaccuracy for plot reasons. It's gonna be written in English, withasides in Latin. One will not need to know Latin to read it. It willhelp with some of the understanding of th...
Spam in the Middle of Nowhere Ok, some of you know I'm the admin on the GearHead wiki. Now, we don'thave a chronic problem with spam. It's just a small part of maintence.Our problem is this: Why are there spammers on a wiki that sees tenpeople a day? Including spammers, lurkers, and myself (and the fellowadmin), we have a population of about 50, but we have little traffic(or so I estimate) off the main page. So why bother spamming if youdon't have a link to ...
On Magic In Fiction Now, I know this isn't the most controversial topic. I also know Iprobably have adressed it before, but I can't remember exactly where orwhen. I believe that all magic in real life comes from Satanic sources,not nature or God (for there will be more prophesies met before Godrestores power to His followers). I do believe, however, that infantastical works of literature, magic is a permissible inclusion. Forinstance, in Shadowrun or Lion...
Now, I know Stardock has the blacklist feature for a reason, but seriously, when will you guys learn? If I don't blacklist you, why do you blacklist me? Do I have a tendendcy to spam comments? Do I have a tendency to be vulgar, profane, or crude? What is it about me that you really hate that actually warrants blacklisting me from your articles? Can you not stand my opinions? If so, tell me, argue with me. Heck, slander me for all I care, but blacklisting is a plain piece of cr...
Swearing is not a sin. It is, however, an annoyance to some of us who learn more than five adjectives, nouns, verbs, and adverbs. If you don't know a word to use, use a dictionary. Swearing also devalues your opinion. When I find that someone swears, I view it as a negative mark on their maturity, as they have no real self-control. It's one thing in conversation, but it's entirely different when you can write stuff down. You cannot convince me that you ca...
Ok. Gonna try to keep it clean. There is nothing in having many articles written that hurts you. If the articles have a point, regardless of how strong, state a fact or opinion, tell a story, do not plagarize, are not spam, and are not mandatory reading, you do not suffer at all from some people posting ten thousand articles a day. So what if it gets pushed out of the recent articles list? Some of us actually put links up at different places to advertise....
You know who you are, who I address this to. You say "Libel!". I say fact. I make a statement, you threaten to sue. You just don't get it, do you? When I said you hated me, I may have been wrong, but you've done nothing to prove otherwise. You only know how to attack in my eyes. If someone spreads a lie about you, they may believe it true. But you insisted on making it fact, didn't you? You scrabble and scratch, light a match. You expect to win, but all you do is whine. You'd be a good politi...
Perhaps I have been wrong but I feel surrounded in a throng I fail to see how you are better than me If you cannot attack but from my back or try to mend what I try to defend you call me out and you try to shout you mark me as incorrect and go to erect towers and walls to hurt me but all you end up doing is paying a fee of hurting everyone and killing no-one I would apologize for what I have done but when I look at the gun I see that it is not I who need to repent. For you ar...