Listen to Erathoniel ranting on and on in good ol' conservative Christian fashion.
erathoniel's Articles » Page 12
April 20, 2008 by erathoniel
    Freefall is an excellent diamond-hard (really accurate to real-life potential) science fiction webcomic.     Its art is great, it has good characters, and is overall awesome. I'd recomend it to anyone, though science-fiction fans will get more out of it.     It takes a comedic feel, believe it or not, in a realistic science fiction world. Read it, it's free.
April 20, 2008 by erathoniel
    F@NBOY$ is an excellent gaming webcomic. It's kinda like a comedy-serial-sitcom. Basically lots of good cookies. The art is very good, the story is decent, and the characters are lovable and enjoyable.     Oh, and it covers gaming topics a lot. Including the (in)famous Jack Thompson.     Read it, it's good for all ages, though gamers will enjoy it most.
April 20, 2008 by erathoniel
    Irregular Webcomic is to me what coffee is to other people. It perks me up, I have it every morning.     Irregular Webcomic is a collection of about five or so storylines (though more occur, there's about five active), and it is a wonderful LEGO and Photoshop blend that will spruce up your day. It's on the PG intellectual side. It shirks politics, but still makes plenty of nerd humor and puns. It's hobbit forming, I'll give it that (an example pun). It has sc...
April 20, 2008 by erathoniel
    Expelled is a wonderful, moving movie experience. It's biased, sure, to the conservative, but there's still a good movie. It actually directly mirrors events in real life. You mention Intelligent Design, you get bashed. That's good, since it is a documentary. See it.
April 20, 2008 by erathoniel
    Griffon Legend is a wonderful Zelda-esque dark action RPG. It's free, and plays very smoothly. Its music is dark and intriguing, its graphics are wonderful, and all-in-all, it's a five @ game. Basically hack through enemies, level up, beat boss, collect items, use them, and try to survive alone against a lot of angry foes. All in all, a good, if rather unfufilling for those less amused than me, experience. I've played it a long time ago, and rediscovered it today. A good coffe...
April 20, 2008 by erathoniel
    Windom XP sp-2 is a game based on the OS wars. Play as Linux or Windows and duke it out. It's an anime giant robot fighting game. I need say no more. It gets five @'s. It has simple controls, a fair system, good graphics (if simplistic), and just all-around awesome. There are plenty of mechs to choose from, and the music and levels, if repetitive, are good for the most part. It has AI and network play.     Screenie below (Self-taken, ingame after explosion on...
April 19, 2008 by erathoniel
    God gave his only son that all who believed in Him might be saved, for God did not send his only son into the world to condemn it, but to save it, that all may have salvation. (Paraphrased John 3:16-17)     Salvation is God's free gift to all who accept Jesus Christ, but only those who accept Him and His Son are allowed into Heaven. It's not hard, people. God gave us Jesus, who lived a perfect and blameless life to be the blood sacrifice that washed away all ...
April 19, 2008 by erathoniel
    I believe that death is a step into the perfect unknown. I also believe that death is not something to be taken into one's own hands. Death is simply a stepping block between Earth and the Final Destination (Heaven for the followers of Jesus Christ, and Hell for every one else, and some who profess falsely to believe in Jesus Christ). I believe that death is something ordained by God to happen at a specific time and date in a specific manner. Therefore I do not fear death, nor...
April 19, 2008 by erathoniel
    You know how I write by now. Link to past article, open with first paragraph?     "The greenhouse has been breached. Fall back to the nearest bunker forevacuation as necessary. I repeat, the greenhouse has been breached.Get to a shelter. This is not a drill."     Alex ran for cover as the aliens began flooding in through the breach, hoping to outrun any of them. Luckily, he made it past the blast-doors just before they closed with a gigantic...
April 19, 2008 by erathoniel
    Total Annihilation was one of my first games, and remains, to this day, one of my favorites. It is pure concentrated awesome science fiction joy. Take lots of robots, have them blow each other up, and watch the chaos. Or control them. Those were the best years, before we worried about 3d and whatnot, we had Total Annihilation. The awesomest game ever. I hereby give it my best game ever award (7 @'s). TA:Spring is a project to remake Total Annihilation into true three dimension...
April 19, 2008 by erathoniel
    Ever wanted to command hordes of religious fanatics versus hordes of hardcore soldiers? Look no further. I present: The Classic, the Only, the Amazing Command and Conquer!!!     Anyways, with that out of the way, I continue to the serious part of Command and Conquer. It's one of the oldest and most respected RTS games ever, with music by the famous Frank Klepacki, and it is heralded as the game that sparked a genre, though Westwood had earlier RTS games....
April 19, 2008 by erathoniel
    Now, I'm gonna start my review of Avernum 3. Avernum 3 is the third game in the Avernum/Exile co-series (Exile came before Avernum, Avernum's kinda like a remake of it), where the exiled Avernites go up from their cave-lands into the surface worlds of the Empire. Plot aside, it's an awesome game. Plot included, it's an awesome game you feel a need to play for hours at end. I've never beaten the trial version, so I've never bothered buying it (Why buy something you haven't beat...
April 19, 2008 by erathoniel
    RecWar, or Recreational Warfare is a really, really, really old game, with Splitscreen and LAN/Internet play against players and bots. It's really quite a blast, with plenty of weapons, game-modes, and all-around fun. It has a map editor. It gets 5 @'s for all-around good times.     What are you waiting for? A screenshot? I beat that tank just below and to the right of my humvee, by the way. All the vehicles handle differently and have minor changes.
April 19, 2008 by erathoniel
    Sins of a Solar Empire is pretty darn awesome. It takes 2+ hours on large maps, and rarely takes less than 1 hour, but it's worth getting. You can play it a lot, make your own map criteria in game and actual maps out of game, and is a general good experience. It runs on my laptop (+2), looks great (+2), and plays awesome (+1) for a total of five @'s. The only qualm I have is the lack of more in-depth actual diplomacy. It's only thirty dollars, so it's worth at least a shot of ...
April 19, 2008 by erathoniel
    Now, I'm no strategy god, but listen to these no-no's for humans (and aliens) If human, refrain from using your blaster. Ever . The only exception being baiting. This only gets worse if you use a blaster within 30 meters of an alien structure. You will fail to scare a Dretch with that crappy little thing. And, worse, fail to kill him. I tested this tonight, as the Dretch. Fed*. If alien, don't hide in a corner unless you can get out quickly. I experienced this with a ...